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We remove language barriers

ImTranslator v.16.96 extension for Firefox

Added new languages. Improved Chinese language detection algorithm. Added the list of Favorite languages. Added the list of Favorite languages. Added the possibility to set Negative Position Offset of Pop-up Bubble floating button. Added Yandex Translate for ImTranslator, Pop-up Bubble and Inline Translator. Added shortcut “Ctrl+Alt+S” to switch Target Language for Inline Translator. Added Backup and Restore Custom Settings. Added options for Delay and Position Offset of Pop-up Bubble floating button. Improved the Webpage Translation: added auto Language Detection with Switch Languages module. Added Dark Mode Theme for ImTranslator, Pop-up Bubble and...

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ImTranslator v.17.4 extension for Chrome

Added new languages. Improved Chinese language detection algorithm. Added the list of Favorite languages. Added the possibility to set Negative Position Offset of Pop-up Bubble floating button. Added shortcut “Alt+W” to Show original text for Webpage Translation. Added shortcut “Esc” to Clear Webpage Translation. Added Yandex Translate for ImTranslator, Pop-up Bubble and Inline Translator. Added shortcut “Alt+S” to switch Target Language for Inline Translator. Added Backup and Restore Custom Settings. Added options for Delay and Position Offset of Pop-up Bubble floating button. Improved the Webpage Translation: added auto Language Detection with Switch Languages module. Added Dark Mode Theme for ImTranslator, Pop-up Bubble and...

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ImTranslator v.16.92 extension for Opera

Added Yandex Translate for ImTranslator, Pop-up Bubble and Inline Translator. Added shortcut “Ctrl+Alt+S” to switch Target Language for Inline Translator. Added options for Delay and Position Offset of Pop-up Bubble floating button.Added Dark Mode Theme for ImTranslator, Pop-up Bubble and Options. Added Microsoft Translator support for Inline Translator application. The new version allows you to choose between Google and Microsoft as the translation provider for Inline translator. Improved Inline Translator’s behavior for Chinese and Japanese languages. Added the option “Immediately display popup” to Auto Translate on mouse selection in the Pop-up Bubble. Improved Pin/Unpin Pop-up Bubble behavior for easy scrolling of the webpage. Added the “Esc” key function to close Pop-up Bubble or eliminate Pop-up Bubble floating button Added the possibility to change the priority order of translation providers in Options. The new version allows you to listen to...

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ImTranslator v. 10.42 extension for Chrome

What’s new in this version: Implemented Advanced Settings to manage text-to-speech service for more than 30 languages. Advanced settings allow to combine ImTranslator voices with the voices from other providers.     This settings allow you to choose which TTS service to use: ImTranslator TTS service or the TTS service of other providers. ImTranslator Text-to-Speech service supports the following natural sounding voices: American English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and European Spanish. Other supported voices are: Arabic, Bengali, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Khmer, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.  These voices speak up to 100 characters at a time. More information …  ...

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PROMT-Online: newly redesigned service

PROMT-Online: newly redesigned service. The current version of PROMT-Online supports 55 languages or 2970 language combinations. The translation is powered by three translation providers: Google, Microsoft and PROMT-Online. The automatic language detection identifies the source language on-the-fly. The text-to-speech tool converts text into voice for 10 languages. The redesigned virtual keyboard allows you to input text in the languages not supported by your computer. The service is touchscreen...

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ImTranslator: Μεταφραστής, Λεξικό, Φωνή

ImTranslator: Μεταφραστής, Λεξικό, Φωνή Άμεση μετάφραση ενός επιλεγμένου κειμένου, λέξεων, φράσεων και ιστοσελίδων ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΏΝ ΜΕΤΆΦΡΑΣΗΣ: <ul> <li>Inline Traductor (eνσωματωμένη μετάφραση)</li> <li>ImTranslator (mετάφραση σε παράθυρο)</li> <li>Pop-up Bubble  (aναδυόμενη μετάφραση)</li> <li>Web Translation (mετάφραση ιστοσελίδων)</li> <li>Dictionary (μετάφραση των λέξεων)</li> </ul> &nbsp; <a href=”https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/imtranslator-translator-d/noaijdpnepcgjemiklgfkcfbkokogabh?hl=el” target=”_blank”><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-11698″ alt=”ChromeWebStore_BadgeWBorder_v2_340x96″ src=”https://about.imtranslator.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ChromeWebStore_BadgeWBorder_v2_340x96.png” width=”340″ height=”96″ /></a> ImTranslator ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ: <ul> <li>μετάφραση ανάμεσα σε 91 γλώσσες</li> <li>10 χιλιάδες χαρακτήρες ανά μετάφραση</li> <li>ImTranslator Λεξικό</li> <li>άμεση μετάφραση ενός επιλεγμένου κειμένου</li> <li>μετάφραση ολόκληρης της ιστοσελίδας με την επιλογή κύλισης ποντικού</li> <li>Κείμενο-σε-φωνή σε 26 γλώσσες</li> <li>Ιστορία Μετάφρασης</li> <li>Αυτόματος εντοπισμός αρχικής γλώσσας</li> <li>Αντίστροφη μετάφραση</li> <li>προσαρμογή πλήκτρων άμεσης πρόσβασης</li> <li>πλήρης προσαρμογή κάθε εργαλείου μετάφρασης</li> </ul> <p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/imtranslator-translator-d/noaijdpnepcgjemiklgfkcfbkokogabh?hl=el” target=”_blank”><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-11809″ style=”border: 1px solid grey;” alt=”ImTransalor in Greek language” src=”https://about.imtranslator.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/1_3-apps_gr.jpg” width=”640″ height=”400″ /></a></p> &nbsp; ΕΠΙΛΟΓΈΣ  ImTranslator Επιλογές ImTranslator παρέχουν ένα ιδανικό τρόπο για να προσαρμόσετε κάθε αίτηση μετάφρασης. &nbsp; ΥΠΟΣΤΗΡΙΖΟΜΕΝΕΣ ΓΛΩΣΣΕΣ: Αγγλικά,...

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ImTranslator: Tłumacz, Słownik, Głos

ImTranslator: Tłumacz, Słownik, Głos Natychmiastowe tłumaczenie zaznaczonego tekstu (10 tysięcy znaków), słów (Słownik), zwrotów i stron internetowych. APLIKACJE TŁUMACZENIA: Inline Traductor (tłumaczenie wbudowane) ImTranslator (tłumaczenie w oknie) Pop-up Bubble  ((tłumaczenie w wyskakującym oknie) Web Translation (tłumaczenie stron internetowych)) FUNKCJE programu ImTranslator: Tłumaczenie pomiędzy 91 językami 10 tysięcy znaków w każdym tłumaczeniu ImTranslator Słownik natychmiastowe tłumaczenie wybranego tekstu tłumaczenie całej strony internetowej z możliwością tłumaczenia po najechaniu myszką zamiana tekstu na mowę w 26 językach historia tłumaczeń automatyczne wykrywanie języka wróć tłumaczenie dostosowanie klawiszy skrótu pełne dostosowanie każdego narzędzia do tłumaczenia     OPCJE ImTranslator Opcje stanowią doskonały sposób, aby dostosować ImTranslator w zależności od potrzeb.   OBSŁUGIWANE JĘZYKI: Afrikaans, Albański, Angielski, Arabski, Azerski, Baskijski, Bengalski, Białoruski, Birmański, Bośniacki, Bułgarski, Cebuański, Chiński trad, Chiński upr, Chorwacki, Czeski, Cziczewa, Duński, Esperanto, Estoński, Filipiński, Fiński, Francuski, Galicyjski, Grecki, Gruziński, Gudżaracki, Hausa, Hebrajski, Hindi,...

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Multilingual Phrasebook

Multilingual Phrasebook  is a great multi-language source to improve your vocabulary and pronunciation, practice and learn conversational phrases. The Phrasebook offers conversational phrases and idiomatic expressions for English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese...

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Online Translation

Online Translation. Why would you need an online translator? First of all, the Internet is global. Did you know that there are 6,800 different languages spoken in over 200 countries around the world? In addition, over 2,000 of those languages have various writing systems. As the world becomes global, and businesses expand into global markets, people all over the world are faced with a challenging linguistic barrier. In the hopes of overcoming this obstacle, establishing a better communication among people, and capturing a bigger market share, machine translation services are getting more and more popular and...

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Video: ImTranslator Translation

ImTranslator Translation tutorial explains how to use free online translator’s basic functions.   ImTranslator Translation is a newly re-designed online translation service, which offers an instant translation between over 60 languages. The translation is powered by Google, Microsoft, Babylon Translator and other translation engine. With ImTranslator you translate, compare translations to choose the best, listen to the translation. How to work efficiently with ImTranslator. • First, enter text for translation. You can type in, paste, or drag-n-drop text to the “Original text” window. • Choose the translation direction. • Then, the translation provider. Your text will be instantly translated. If you don’t know the language of the original text, mark the “auto detect” checkbox to let ImTranslator identify the language for you. If you want to check how accurate the translation is, use the back translation. ImTranslator reverses the...

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