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ImTranslator v.16.84 extension for Opera

Extension for Opera

New version
Add to Opera

What's new in this version:

  • Added Yandex Translate for ImTranslator, Pop-up Bubble and Inline Translator.
  • Added shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+S" to switch Target Language for Inline Translator
  • Added options for Delay and Position Offset of Pop-up Bubble floating button.
  • Added Dark Mode Theme for ImTranslator, Pop-up Bubble and Options.
  • Added Microsoft Translator support for Inline Translator application. The new version allows you to choose between Google and Microsoft as the translation provider for Inline translator.
  • Improved Inline Translator's behavior for Chinese and Japanese languages.
  • Added the option "Immediately display popup" to Auto Translate on mouse selection in the Pop-up Bubble.
  • Improved Pin/Unpin Pop-up Bubble behavior for easy scrolling of the webpage.
  • Added the "Esc" key function to close Pop-up Bubble or eliminate Pop-up Bubble floating button
  • Added new translation provider Yandex Translate which supports 95 languages.
  • Added the possibility to change the priority order of translation providers in Options.
  • The new version allows you to  listen to the translation as well as to the original text in ImTranslator Pop-up Bubble.
  • Optimized the switching mechanism between Translator and Dictionary in ImTranslator application.
  • Updated Chinese Traditional localization.



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