ImTranslator: Choose Translation Provider
ImTranslator offers a wide choice of translation providers. The translations are powered by Google Translate, Microsoft Bing Translator, Translator, and Yandex. Click the provider's tab to see a different translation.
Each translation provider supports a different number of languages. If you choose the language pair not supported by some of the providers, the provider's tab(s) will be dimmed (not available).
The providers priority order may be set up in ImTranslator Options. Open Options to change the priority order of translation providers by dragging the translators buttons.
Some of the translation providers support Dictionary with Voice (Text-to-Speech Service). These providers are marked with corresponding icons and
By default the same providers settings are used for ImTranslator application and Pop-up Bubble Translator. To set different providers priority order for each translator, clear the checkbox "Set providers settings for all translator" and change the providers order by dragging the providers buttons.
To compare translations by various translation providers side-by-side, click the "Compare translation" icon . You will be redirected to the Compare Translators service along with the text you want to translate.
To use Google Translate provider only, clear "Enable all providers"checkbox in ImTranslator Options.
ImTranslator will display Google Translate provider only.