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We remove language barriers

Video: ImTranslator Portal

ImTranslator Portal is an ads free translation service which performs a real-time translation for over 50 languages. It offers a free account to access online translation with text-to-speech capabilities as well as other language...

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Video: How to use ImTranslator Portal

Using ImTranslator is easy and convenient. You have all of the language tools at hand to perform a quick and accurate translation between 55...

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ImTranslator add-on 5.4 for Firefox

The new version for ImTranslator add-on for Firefox has been released. New languages added to Microsoft Translator: Hindi, Malay, Persian and Urdu. ImTranslator application now supports Google translation for Hindi, Hebrew, Haitian Creole, Persian and Urdu...

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ImTranslator add-on 5.3 for Firefox

The new update for ImTranslator add-on 5.3 for Firefox is released. The new release includes: Increased speed of the ImTranslator: Google Translate module Improved the language detection module Added ImTranslator Video...

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ImTranslator add-on 5.2 for Firefox

We have just released the update for ImTranslator add-on 5.2 for Firefox.

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ImTranslator add-on 5.1 for Firefox

The new update for ImTranslator add-on 5.1 for Firefox is released. The new release includes: Updated the add-on’s compatibility to work with Firefox 20.* Fixed auto-detect functionality for short texts in ImTranslator: Google Translate module. Solved issue with the language detection between Chinese Traditional and Chinese  Simplified languages in ImTranslator: Google Translate module. Added a new functionality to auto detect on-the-fly, when the source language is not correct. Fixed the appearance of ImTranslator button on the first run....

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ImTranslator add-on 5.0 for Firefox

We have just released the new update for ImTranslator add-on 5.0 for Firefox. The new release includes: – the new module ImTranslator: Google Translate which provides translation between all 66 Google languages. – possibility to set your preferred translator on the toolbar button from ImTranslator Options. – possibility to run ImTranslator: Google Translate via the hotkey (Ctrl+Alt+Z), right mouse click and toolbar menu. Users can run either standard ImTranslator application or ImTranslator: Google Translate to be able to use all Google language with back translation. ImTranslator: Google Translate module is localized to 23 languages, which means that when using Mozilla Firefox browser in your language, ImTranslator: Google Translate will be run in the same...

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ImTranslator: iFrame Widget

ImTranslator iFrame widget delivers online translation of words, phrases and texts for over 50 languages making more than 4200 language combinations.  ImTranslator widget offers translation using 4 translation providers. ImTranslator offers easy and convenient way of communication in foreign languages. ImTranslator iFrame widget can be easily embedded into your website. This service is free, and represents an ideal online solution for your website visitors. Your users will be able to input texts in many languages, check spelling, translate texts in over 50 languages, use dictionaries, convert text into voice, print translation and send email. ImTranslator widget provides the most convenient access to the online translation services powered by various online translation providers. It includes the translation editor, virtual keyboard, spell-checker, dictionary, decoder, transliteration, back translation, text-to-speech, auto language features, language synchronization, and email.  ...

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ImTranslator: iFrame Small Widget

ImTranslator: iFrame Small Widget adds the translation capabilities to any website that wants to offer multilingual communication tool to its...

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ImTranslator: Button Widget

ImTranslator: Button Widget designed as a floating button opens a small translation window with the following functionalities: online translation powered by three translation providers, virtual keyboard, Russian decoder, spellchecker, dictionary, Russian transliteration, back translation, text-to-speech, language synchronization, printing, mailer, auto functions, language detection and interface localization. ImTranslator button widget opens the translation window with 52 languages. It includes useful language tools, such as virtual keyboard, spell-checker, multilingual dictionary, Russian decoder and transliteration, language detection, back translation, printing, text-to-speech and email. Its interface is localized to 23 languages. The translation is powered by three online translation providers. This widget has the following features: online translation, multilingual text input, text editing, spelling checking, Russian text decoding and transliteration, text to voice conversion, auto language detection, decoder and transliteration, back translation, language synchronization, printing, and email. The widget interface is localized to 23...

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