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We remove language barriers

Compare Online Translators Service

Compare Online Translators Service translates and compares the translation results between various translation providers: Google, Microsoft, Babylon, PROMT. The online translation providers support different number of languages: 6 in PROMT-Online, 35 in Microsoft Translator, 38 in Google Translate and 28 in Babylon Translator. Thus, depending on the selected language direction, the translation comparison tool may show various comparison...

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How Back Translation Works

Online Translator:  How Back Translation Works Websites that are trying to help you with your language problem are in abundance on the Web, and I visit them from time to time. There are dictionary sites, there are online translations sites… and there is this website ImTranslator.net.  Why am I writing about it, what is it that makes this place special, and how can it be used in the best way possible? I will try to shed some light on those issues.   As you can see now that the final back translation looks pretty similar to the source. Although it took several steps, the translation into Russian has become very close to the original (I can assure you because I know Russian). You can use this method with any target language because you are working in the top window...

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ImTranslator Translation Service

ImTranslator Translation  service provides an instant translation of words, phrases and texts in over 50 languages between four translation providers. This translation tool includes the following modules: translation editor, virtual keyboard, spellchecker, dictionary, Russian decoder and transliteration, text-to-speech, back translation, printing, and email client. The translator’s interface is localized to 23 languages to target the native speakers audience. ImTranslator Translation service allows you to input text in over 40 languages using the virtual keyboard, check spelling of the text in 8 languages, look up words and phrases in the dictionary in 8 languages, translate between 55 languages, convert an unreadable Russian text into the standard Cyrillic encoding, transliterate Russian text, listen to the original text and its translation in 10 languages, print translation and send email right from the translation...

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Online Translation

Online Translation. Why would you need an online translator? First of all, the Internet is global. Did you know that there are 6,800 different languages spoken in over 200 countries around the world? In addition, over 2,000 of those languages have various writing systems. As the world becomes global, and businesses expand into global markets, people all over the world are faced with a challenging linguistic barrier. In the hopes of overcoming this obstacle, establishing a better communication among people, and capturing a bigger market share, machine translation services are getting more and more popular and...

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ImTranslator v. 8.7 add-on for Firefox

ImTranslator v. 8.7 add-on for Firefox. What’s new in this version: Added the source language drop-down menu in Pop-up Bubble Translator. Added the ‘Switch languages’ function in the Pop-up Bubble Translator. Added the ‘Lock-in language’ checkbox to secure the choice of the source language in the Pop-up Bubble Translator. Added the option to save settings directly in the Pop-up Bubble Translator directly from the Pop-up Bubble. Improved the Pop-up Bubble visibility during the webpage scrolling. Refined the stability of Pop-up Bubble enable/disable settings. Optimized the language auto detection algorithm in the Pop-up Bubble Translator. Redesigned the Pop-up Bubble settings. Improved the translation result for Chinese and Japanese languages in the Pop-up Bubble...

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ImTranslator: iFrame Widget

ImTranslator iFrame widget delivers online translation of words, phrases and texts for over 50 languages making more than 4200 language combinations.  ImTranslator widget offers translation using 4 translation providers. ImTranslator offers easy and convenient way of communication in foreign languages. ImTranslator iFrame widget can be easily embedded into your website. This service is free, and represents an ideal online solution for your website visitors. Your users will be able to input texts in many languages, check spelling, translate texts in over 50 languages, use dictionaries, convert text into voice, print translation and send email. ImTranslator widget provides the most convenient access to the online translation services powered by various online translation providers. It includes the translation editor, virtual keyboard, spell-checker, dictionary, decoder, transliteration, back translation, text-to-speech, auto language features, language synchronization, and email.  ...

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ImTranslator: iFrame Small Widget

ImTranslator: iFrame Small Widget adds the translation capabilities to any website that wants to offer multilingual communication tool to its...

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ImTranslator: Button Widget

ImTranslator: Button Widget designed as a floating button opens a small translation window with the following functionalities: online translation powered by three translation providers, virtual keyboard, Russian decoder, spellchecker, dictionary, Russian transliteration, back translation, text-to-speech, language synchronization, printing, mailer, auto functions, language detection and interface localization. ImTranslator button widget opens the translation window with 52 languages. It includes useful language tools, such as virtual keyboard, spell-checker, multilingual dictionary, Russian decoder and transliteration, language detection, back translation, printing, text-to-speech and email. Its interface is localized to 23 languages. The translation is powered by three online translation providers. This widget has the following features: online translation, multilingual text input, text editing, spelling checking, Russian text decoding and transliteration, text to voice conversion, auto language detection, decoder and transliteration, back translation, language synchronization, printing, and email. The widget interface is localized to 23...

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ImTranslator: Popup Widget

ImTranslator Popup widget opens the translations window with the following functionalities: online translation powered by four translation providers, virtual keyboard, Russian decoder, spellchecker, dictionary, Russian transliteration, back translation, text-to-speech, language synchronization, auto functions, printing, mailer, interface localization and language...

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Video: ImTranslator Online Translation

Free translation service provides instant translations of words, phrases and texts between 55 languages using 3 online translation...

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