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Online Spell Checker

With globalization as businesses expand to international markets, they must tailor their web-based applications to an international customer base.  The increasing sophistication of such applications makes it important that they offer functionality of the quality comparable to the desktop applications. One way of improving application quality is to add spell checking facilities to the web-based application. This will also lead to an increase in the quality of data offered by the application. Online Spell Checker that checks spelling of texts in the input boxes on a webpage is particularly handy for users who do a lot of web-based text entry (e.g. web mails, online translation, forums, blogs).  This is especially important in the case of the online translation....

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Video: Online Spell Checker

The Multilingual Online Spell Checker supports 8 European languages. It is integrated with all online translation services, and offers a complete synchronization with the language pair selected for...

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