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Traductor, Diccionario, Voz for Opera

ImTranslator traduce texto (10.000 caracteres), palabras (Diccionario), frases y páginas web entre 91 idiomas y 3 proveedores de traducción. APLICACIONES DE TRADUCCIÓN: Inline Traductor  (traducción incorporada en una página web): Ctrl+Alt+C ImTranslator  (traducción en la ventana): Ctrl+Alt+Z Pop-up Bubble  (traducción pop-up): Ctrl+Alt Web Translation  (traducción de páginas web) Dictionary (traducción de palabras) IMTRANSLATOR CARACTERÍSTICAS: idiomas disponibles: 91 10.000 caracteres por traducción 3 proveedores de traducción (Google, Microsoft Bing, Translator) diccionario traducción instantánea de texto seleccionado traducción de la página web con la opción de traducción mouseover texto a voz en 10 idiomas guardar la Historial de traducciones detección automática del idioma de origen traducción inversa personalización de teclas rápidas personalización completa de cada aplicación de traducción  localización de la interfaz de usuario OPCIONES ImTranslator Las opciones proporcionan una manera perfecta para personalizar cada aplicación de traducción.   IDIOMAS DE TRADUCCIÓN: Afrikáans, Albanés,...

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Překladač, Slovník, Hlas for Opera

ImTranslator provádí překlad textu (10 tisíc znaků), slov, frází a webových stránek mezi 91 jazyky a 3 poskytovatelů překladatelských. VOLBA PŘEKLADOVÝCH APLIKACÍ: ImTranslator (překlad v okně): Ctrl+Alt+Z Pop-up Bubble (překlad v otevíraném okně): Ctrl+Alt Inline Translator (vložený překlad): Ctrl+Alt+C Webpage Translation (překlad webových stránek) Dictionary (překlad slov)   FUNKCE ImTranslator: překlad mezi 91 jazyky 10 tisíc znaků na překlad 3 poskytovatelů překladatelských (Google, Miscrosoft, Translator) slovník historie překladu okamžitý překlad vybraného textu překlad celé webové stránky s možností překladu při přejetí myší text na hlas v 10 jazycích automatická detekce zdrojového jazyka zpětný překlad úprava klávesových zkratek kompletní přizpůsobení každého překladového nástroje lokalizace uživatelského rozhraní   PODPOROVANÉ JAZYKY: Afrikánština, Albánština, Angličtina, Arabština, Arménština, Ázerbájdžánština, Barmština, Baskičtina, Běloruština, Bengálština, Bosenština, Bulharština, Cebuánština, Čeština, Čičevština, Čínština, Dánština, Esperanto, Estonština, Filipínština, Finština, Francouzština, Galicijština, Gruzínština, Gudžarátština, Haitská Kreolština, Hauština, Hebrejština, Hindština, Hmongština,...

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ImTranslator Translation Service

ImTranslator Translation  service provides an instant translation of words, phrases and texts in over 50 languages between four translation providers. This translation tool includes the following modules: translation editor, virtual keyboard, spellchecker, dictionary, Russian decoder and transliteration, text-to-speech, back translation, printing, and email client. The translator’s interface is localized to 23 languages to target the native speakers audience. ImTranslator Translation service allows you to input text in over 40 languages using the virtual keyboard, check spelling of the text in 8 languages, look up words and phrases in the dictionary in 8 languages, translate between 55 languages, convert an unreadable Russian text into the standard Cyrillic encoding, transliterate Russian text, listen to the original text and its translation in 10 languages, print translation and send email right from the translation...

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Translate & Speak Service

Translate & Speak service offers a natural sounding text-to-speech service with translation capabilities. ImTranslator quickly translates text and reads it aloud with one click of the mouse. Translate & Speak  service offers a natural sounding text-to-speech service with translation capabilities. Translate & Speak quickly and accurately translates from 52 languages to 10 voices:  English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and European Spanish   The English voice is available in the male and female version. This absolutely unique tool is smart enough to detect the language of the text submitted for translation, translate into voice, modify the speed of the voice, and even create an audio link to send a voiced message. Everything can be done in a single click. How to use Translate & Speak Service Translate & Speak Introduction Translate from 52 Languages  Speak in 10...

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ImTranslator, Dictionary, TTS for Opera

ImTranslator Extension for Opera is a web-based translator with a large array of language tools for instant translation of a selected text, words, phrases and webpages.  ImTranslator translates between 91 languages using 3 translation providers (Google, Microsoft Bing, Translator) TRANSLATION APPLICATIONS: Inline Translator (translation embedded into a webpage) ImTranslator (translation in window) Pop-up Bubble (pop-up translation) Webpage Translation (translation of webpages) Dictionary (translation of words)     ImTranslator FEATURES: translation between 91 languages 10 thousand characters per translation 3 translation providers (Google, Microsoft Bing, Translator) ImTranslator Dictionary instant translation of a selected text translation of the entire webpage with mouseover translation option text-to-voice in 10 languages translation history automatic language detection back translation hotkey customization complete customization of each translation tool option to disable automatic language detection localization of the user interface   ImTranslator OPTIONS With ImTranslator Options you can customize each...

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Voice Reader Text-to-Speech Software

Voice Reader is the text-to-speech software that converts any text on your computer into voice and reads it in an astonishingly natural-sounding quality. In the Voice Reader application window you can open a text document or add text yourself, then have the text read out or exported to an audio file.   In this editor you can open text documents and if necessary edit them before converting to an audio file.  You can operate Voice Reader quickly and comfortably using various buttons and controls. Voice Reader Options Options allow you to adjust various settings: Language – if you have installed several languages, then you select another language for speech playback. Speaker – choose the speaker you want to appear in the animation window. Speed – increase or reduce the speed of speech output using a slider.  The default speed is 100%. Pitch – change...

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Multilingual Phrasebook

Multilingual Phrasebook  is a great multi-language source to improve your vocabulary and pronunciation, practice and learn conversational phrases. The Phrasebook offers conversational phrases and idiomatic expressions for English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese...

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Online Translation

Online Translation. Why would you need an online translator? First of all, the Internet is global. Did you know that there are 6,800 different languages spoken in over 200 countries around the world? In addition, over 2,000 of those languages have various writing systems. As the world becomes global, and businesses expand into global markets, people all over the world are faced with a challenging linguistic barrier. In the hopes of overcoming this obstacle, establishing a better communication among people, and capturing a bigger market share, machine translation services are getting more and more popular and...

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Webmasters Tools

Smart Link Corporation created Webmasters Tools – a series of widgets for Webmasters, which offer translation and text-to-speech solutions for your website. These useful tools have been designed for websites owners who wish to enhance the websites capabilities to support communication in foreign languages or to support essential educational and language learning needs. The translation and text-to-speech widgets are provided in various modes and...

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Text-to-Speech Service

In recent years, Text-to-Speech Service (also known as text to voice) software has been available on the Internet. Text-to-Speech (TTS) is a method of speech synthesis that develops an audio text speech from the text it reads. In recent years, text-to-speech (also known as text to voice) software has been available on the Internet. Text-to-Speech (TTS) is a method of speech synthesis that develops an audio text speech from the text it reads.   Text to voice software has many uses. For example, if someone was visually impaired, you could create an e-mail and have it converted from text-to-speech, and send it to them. They would then be able to listen to your e-mail, instead of reading it. Another example is you might have an assignment in school, and you need to research a lot of material. Instead of reading...

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