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Video: ImTranslator add-on for Firefox

ImTranslator add-on for Firefox,  one of the most popular and highly demanded add-ons on Mozilla Firefox. With more than 15,000 daily downloads, ImTranslator has been downloaded over 18,680,000...

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Video: ImTranslator Extension for Chrome

ImTranslator extension for Chrome performs instant translation of words, phrases, texts and webpages, reads the translation in 26 languages.  ImTranslator reaches more than 1 million...

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Palindrome in Russian language

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or sentence that reads the same in either direction. The word “palindrome” was coined from the Greek roots “back” and “way, direction”. If you are called Анна, Алла, Боб, Натан, your name is a palindrome. Backwards or forwards, it is spelled the same way. Palindromes may consist of a single word: ротор, мадам, кабак, лапал, доход, казак, комок, наган, потоп, радар, шалаш, топот, шабаш, ротатор.       Palindromes may be phrase or sentence: Умер, и мир ему. Мир как Рим. The famous Russian palindrome is:  А РОЗА УПАЛА НЕ НА ЛАПУ АЗОРА. Known palindromes in Russian are: А муза – раба разума. И городу дорог огород у дороги. А муза рада музе без ума да разума. Он в аду давно. Ешь немытого ты меньше! Коту скоро сорок суток. Леша на полке клопа нашел. Не женат, а нежен. Я не стар брат Сеня. Oколо Миши молоко. Меня истина манит сияньем....

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Palindrome in Portuguese language

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or sentence that reads the same in either direction. The word “palindrome” was coined from the Greek roots  “back” and  “way, direction”. If you are called Ana, Oto, Hannah orRenner, your name is a palindrome. Backwards or forwards, it is spelled the same way.Palindromes may consist of a single word: acaiaca, ala, anilina, arara, esse, iriri, mamam, matam, omo, osso, racificar, radar, reter, rever, reviver, sacas, salas, seres, saras, socos, sapas, solos, seles, somavamos, somos. Palindromes may be phrase or sentence:  A base do teto desaba. Known palindromes in Portuguese are: A mala nada na lama (The suitcase swims in the mud) Ame a ema. Ame o poema. A miss é péssima! Amora me tem aroma. Amor é de Roma. Ana lava Lana. Erro comum ocorre (Common mistakes happen) Rola com o calor  (It happens with the heat) Roma é amor. Roma me tem amor (Rome has love for me)...

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Palindrome in Spanish language

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or sentence that reads the same in either direction. The word “palindrome” was coined from the Greek roots (palin) “back” and (dromos) “way, direction”. If you are called Ana, Eve, or Otto, your name is a palindrome. Backwards or forwards, it is spelled the same way. Palindromes may consist of a single word: arenera, arepera, anilina, ananá, Oruro, oso, radar, reconocer, rotor, somos, seres, salas. Palindromes may be phrase or sentence: Anita lava la tina (Anita cleans the bath tub), Adan nada (Adan swims). Known palindromes in Spanish are: La ruta nos aportó otro paso natural  (The route provided us with another natural passage). Anita la gorda lagartona no traga la droga latina. Nada, yo soy Adán. No lata, no: la totalidad arada dilato talón a talón. No solo no lo son. Sé verlas al revés. On the 20th of February 2002 it was 20:02 02/20 2002 (numeric palindrome) Peter Norwig created a computer program which generated the world’s longest palindrome.  It consisted...

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Palindrome in French language

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or sentence that reads the same in either direction. The word “palindrome” was coined from the Greek roots (palin) “back” and (dromos) “way, direction”. If you are called Neven, Eve, or Otto, your name is a palindrome. Backwards or forwards, it is spelled the same way. Palindromes may consist of a single word:radar, rotor, kayak, ressasser, malayalam. Palindromes may be phrase or sentence: Esope reste ici et se repose. (Aesop is resting here and relaxing.) Known palindromes in French are: Elu par cette crapule. (Elected by that crook.) Tu l’as trop ecrase cesar ce port salut. Etna: lave devalante. (Etna: spreading lava.) Et Luc colporte trop l’occulte. (And Luc spreads occult things too much) A l’autel elle alla, elle le tua la. (To the altar she went, she killed him there.) Ce repère, Perec. Léon, émir cornu, d’un roc rime Noël. Caser vite ce palindrome ne...

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Palindrome in German language

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or sentence that reads the same in either direction. The word “palindrome” was coined from the Greek roots (palin) “back” and (dromos) “way, direction”. If you are called Anna, Hannah, or Otto, your name is a palindrome. Backwards or forwards, it is spelled the same way. Palindromes may consist of a single word:  Lagerregal / Regallager, Reittier, Reliefpfeiler, Rotor.  Palindromes may be phrase or sentence: “Ein Neger mit Gazelle zagt im Regen nie” (A negro with gazelle never despairs in rain). Other known palindromes in German are: Eine treue Familie bei Lima feuerte nie (A loyal family near Lima never fired.) Reit nie tot ein Tier Die Liebe ist Sieger; stets rege ist sie bei Leid. Ein Esel lese nie. Trug Tim eine so helle Hose nie mit Gurt? O Genie, der Herr ehre Dein Ego! Eine...

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Onomatopoeia in French language

Onomatopoeia is a word(s) that imitate the sound of an item it is describing. This word is of the Greek origin ”onoma” (name) and “poio” (to create) which means “name creation”. Onomatopoeia in French language covers a wide range of sounds, the sounds made by animals, devices, musical instruments and so on. It’s important to be aware that in different parts of the world, the words used for the sounds are quite different Animal Onomatopoeia – the sounds that animals make. Here are some common French renderings: cat – miaou cow – meuh dog –  wau wau pig – quiek lion – grr bird – piip hen – kot-kot chick – piou piou rooster – cocorico crow – croa croa duck – coin coin bee – bzzz Mechanical Onomatopoeia – machine noises. Examples include: Boum (explosion), Badaboum(chute), doug  (motor); Ron , Raaah – Roaaar, Vroum (motor), Plif – Plaf – Plouf . Musical Onomatopoeia – some musical onomatopoeia is associated with specific music instruments — Bam – Bim – Bom – Bang ; Ding Dong...

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Onomatopoeia in Russian language

Onomatopoeia is a word(s) that imitate the sound of an item it is describing. This word is of the Greek origin ”onoma” (name) and “poio” (to create) which means “name creation”. Onomatopoeia in Russian language covers a wide range of sounds, the sounds made by animals, devices, musical instruments and so on. It’s important to be aware that in different parts of the world, the words used for the sounds are quite different. Onomatopoeia is a word(s) that imitate the sound of an item it is describing. This word is of the Greek origin ”onoma” (name) and “poio” (to create) which means “name creation”. Onomatopoeia covers a wide range of sounds, the sounds made by animals, devices, musical instruments and so on. It’s important to be aware that in different parts of the world, the words used for the sounds are quite different Animal Onomatopoeia – the sounds that animals make. Here...

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A diminutive is a formation of a word used to convey a degree of smallness of the object or quality named, encapsulation, intimacy, or endearment. A diminutive is a formation of a word used to convey a degree of smallness of the object or quality named, encapsulation, intimacy, or endearment. Diminutives are often used for affection. In many languages the meaning of diminution can be translated “tiny” or “wee” and diminutives are used frequently when speaking to small children; adult people sometimes use diminutives when they express extreme tenderness and intimacy by behaving and talking like children. In many languages diminutives are created by adding endings (suffixes) to the word. The effect of using a small form of a word can be to indicate affection or familiarity, but depending on context or intonation even derision. In English the alteration of meaning is often but not essentially conveyed through smaller...

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