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We remove language barriers

Video: ImTranslator Portal Customization

ImTranslator allows you to customize its features and functionalities by setting up your preferences for using the translator.

  • First of all, you can choose the language pairs that you will be using the most from the Settings and then Options menu.  By default all languages are pre-selected.  But you can remove unwanted language pairs and add a language which you need.  Let’s add English to French, Spanish and Portuguese language pairs.  You may notice that the reverse language pair is added as well.  Click Save to save your preferences.
  • Then you can customize the virtual keyboard by removing the languages and layouts you won’t be using.  Click the Save button to save your choice.
  • The Preferences menu allows you to enable ImTranslator’s auto features, such as automatic spell-checker, dictionary, decoder, back translation and auto save feature.
  • If you check mark these features they will be run in the auto mode after you select the Translate button.
  • The Auto Save option will automatically save your translation work every one to four minutes during your work.
  • By default these automatic features are off.
  • The Login option allows you to change the password, change your email address and set the Remember me security option.
  • The Save, Load and Restore options will save your work based on the set schedule, retrieve the saved text, or recover your work in the emergency situations.