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Webpage Translation Domain Options

Domain options allow you to set up different parameters and settings of the website translation in the Opera browser for the specific domain or subdomains.

To access Domain options open a specific website (domain), and perform the translation using context menu, shortcuts keys Alt+P , or the toolbar button imtranslator-small if you customized the toolbar button in Advanced Options.  Then, click Options on the toolbar to display the Domain options.

If you need to update domain options, follow the same steps to access domains Options.



Domain - display an active website (domain).

Subdomains - mark this checkbox, to apply custom settings to all subdomains of the domain.
The checkbox is greyed out if an opened website is a subdomain (*.example.com.)

Translate to - choose the language to translate the website (domain) only to this specific language, and overwrite any other webpage translation settings.

Translate to "All" -  the same domain's translation parameters and settings will be applied to any language.

Translate to "None" - the translation of the website (domain) will be disabled.

Always - perform an automatic translation of this website (domain, subdomains).

Toolbar - display the translation toolbar on the top of the translated webpage.
If you want to hide the translation toolbar for this specific website (domain, subdomain), clear the checkbox.
The toolbar will be replaced with the hide toolbar "Show" toolbar icon in the right upper corner, which will open the translation toolbar upon clicking on it.

Show original on mouseover - display the original text when hovering your mouse over the translation.



Reset settings

If you need to completely reset your domain settings, go to Webpage Translation Options and click Reset on Domain settings. This will erase all custom settings for Domain options.

Please note that the custom Language settings won't interfere with the Domain settings.