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How to Avoid the Conflict with Browser’s Shortcuts?

ImTranslator shortcuts are fully customizable, and can be defined for each translation application using Options.

Please keep in mind that some key combinations cannot be assigned, as they are used by the browser.

But in the case of the conflict with the browser's shortcuts, go to Options to change default shortcuts to the new ones.

To change the hotkeys:

Go to Options and open the Shortcuts panel to make desired changes.  Or open a corresponding application panel to change the shortcuts for the specific application.

  • click inside the Hotkeys field you want to make changes
  • enter new hotkeys
  • after a short delay the new hotkeys appear
  • click Save options to keep your changes

You can use the following keys: Ctrl, Alt, Shift, A-Z, 0-9 in any combination, but no more than three keys.

Choosing identical hotkeys for different tasks is not allowed, as it will result in the hotkeys conflict.
If the new key combination has been already reserved, the alert message will appear; the previous hotkeys will be restored.
In this case you need to choose other key combinations.



The hotkey engine will detect the conflicting keys and display the alert window.
In Shortcuts window you can assign unique hotkeys for each task.

You can also temporarily deactivate hotkeys if desired by clearing the checkbox next to the hotkey title.
After Saving hotkeys, you will be redirected back to the application tab.

For more information see Shortcuts Options

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