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We remove language barriers

Dictionary Linux

"k" and "l" are production servers.
"m" - development server.


  1. Use FILEZILLA to login into "k" or "l";
    sftp://k.dictionary.slprod or sftp://l.dictionary.slprod
    UN: vkuklin
    PASSWORD: kawUC**n 
    PORT: 22
  2. Proceed to directory: root/dev/www/portal/
  3. Make a fresh copy of the folder "dictionary.imtranslator.net" to your local machine;
  4. Login into the development "m" server
  5. Use FILEZILLA to login to "m" development server;
    UN: vkuklin
    PASSWORD: kawUC**n 
    PORT: 22
  6. Proceed to directory: /opt/devel/
  7. Open the folder "dictionary.imtranslator.net" on replace the content with the fresh made in the step #3.
  8. Work with the content.


  1. Take the last copy of  "dictionary.imtranslator.net" from sftp://m.dictionary.slprod
  2. Place it on the development machine devweb02
  3. Run the Version Control
  4. The open PUTTY  and complete the steps below one by one for each "k" and "l" servers:

k.dictionary.slprod SSH 22
l.dictionary.slprod SSH 22
kawUC**n (my password)
$ sudo tcsh
# ./update_dictionary_site