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A bad workman always blames his tools

Proverb meaning

It is not the tools we use which make us good, but rather how we employ them.

(source: Wiktionary)

The literal meaning of this proverb is different in some languages. For example, in Russian the meaning of the proverb is  "bad dancer is impeded even by his balls".

You may want to compare how different online translation providers translate proverbs and sayings.

Use ImTranslator Comparison Tool to see the translation variants from Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and Babylon.

English to Spanish
Google Translate: Un mal trabajador siempre culpa a sus herramientas.
Microsoft Translator: Un obrero mal siempre culpa a sus herramientas.
Babylon: Un mal trabajador siempre culpa a sus herramientas.

English to French
Google Translate: Un mauvais ouvrier blâme toujours ses outils.
Microsoft Translator: Un mauvais ouvrier blâme toujours ses outils.
Babylon: Les mauvais ouvriers ont toujours de mauvais outils.

English to German
Google Translate: Eine schlechte Workman immer die Schuld seiner Instrumente.
Microsoft Translator: Ein schlechter Arbeiter wirft immer seine Werkzeuge.
Babylon: Der schlechte Handwerker schimpft auf sein Werkzeug.

English to Russian
Google Translate: Плохой работник всегда обвиняет его инструменты.
Microsoft Translator: Плохой работник всегда обвиняет его инструменты.
Babylon: Плохой поясы всегда обвиняет его инструменты.