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We remove language barriers

Use Text-to-Speech

ImTranslator integrates the text-to-speech capability.
Click on the Speaker icon tts  next to the Original text or the Translation window to listen to the original text or its translation.

Available voices are: English US, French, German, Italian, European Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

The Speaker icon on the toolbar opens the TTS Voice window where you can enter text in any of 10 languages, and listen to the pronunciation.



The built-in audio player replays the text as many times as you want. The pronounced text segments are synchronously highlighted, which makes it easier to follow.  This gives the opportunity to practice your listening and speaking skills.


TTS Audo Player


If the voice is too fast for you, you can adjust the speed using the Speed drop-down menu.

The TTS service allows you to create an audio link to email a voiced message or embed the audio links into your website.  Just click YES on “Do you want to embed this spoken text into E-mail or Web page?”  Then copy and paste the link to an email or a website.

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