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Palindrome in French language

palindrome is a word, phrase, number or sentence that reads the same in either direction.

The word “palindrome” was coined from the Greek roots (palin) “back” and (dromos) “way, direction”.

If you are called Neven, Eve, or Otto, your name is a palindrome. Backwards or forwards, it is spelled the same way.
Palindromes may consist of a single word:radar, rotor, kayak, ressasser, malayalam.
Palindromes may be phrase or sentence: Esope reste ici et se repose. (Aesop is resting here and relaxing.)

Known palindromes in French are:

  • Elu par cette crapule. (Elected by that crook.)
  • Tu l’as trop ecrase cesar ce port salut.
  • Etna: lave devalante. (Etna: spreading lava.)
  • Et Luc colporte trop l’occulte. (And Luc spreads occult things too much)
  • A l’autel elle alla, elle le tua la. (To the altar she went, she killed him there.)
  • Ce repère, Perec.
  • Léon, émir cornu, d’un roc rime Noël.
  • Caser vite ce palindrome ne mord ni lape cet ivre sac

On the 20th of February 2002 it was 20:02 02/20 2002 (numeric palindrome) Peter Norwig created a computer program which generated the world’s longest palindrome.  It consisted of 17,259 words. This is a simple sequence of words, but the text itself makes no sense.

The “Grand Palindrome” (1969) by novelist Georges Perec is the longest palindrome published in French, with 5 566 letters, which is the result of the palindromic multiplication 11*23*2*11.